
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Worthiness of Trees

I was wandering around in the woods yesterday and thinking about trees.

Here is rambling, rantish excerpt from my journal:

"... I think trees are a-moral created by the Creator. Do trees see themselves as fallen or evil or drenched in sin? If they are eaten from the inside by an Asian Longhorn Beetle, do they need to repent for their rotting insides? Are the beetles 'bad' and the trees 'good?'

Did the trees ask to be created--did they have any say at all in their existence? "No thank you--I'd rather be an Oak. I can't stand all that sticky pine sap..." 

I believe we all come from one Source--created and sustained lovingly from that same Source. The energy of this Source never leaves us--it is in us; around us. It is the oxygen we breathe and the gravity keeps us connected to the earth. It is the wind that shakes the birch leaves when they greet me--waving madly--so happy to see me as I walk down the road.

Maybe Human Beings are worthy too. As created--just the way we are. Stamped from the inside with the image of the Great Creator. Do trees trace their 'fallen-ness' back to their sinful ancestral seed and believe that because it was 'bad', all of the trees that spring from that one will be 'bad' too?

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